WTF? PCOS : PCOS & Fatigue↓

Aditi Guha

July 30th

WTF? PCOS : PCOS & Fatigue↓

One what (symptom), one tip and one feature to heal your PCOS and one feature to help you lose that weight this week

What :

Are you tired of feeling tired?

Have you wondered whether you will actually be able to be present for your kids the same way your parents have been?

You want to workout but you are already so tired.

Someday you feel like you have even woken up tired.

If this is you, you are not alone. Chronic fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of PCOS.

Some of the causes for this are :

  • Insulin resistance
  • Poor gut health
  • & an under active thyroid

Now because PCOS can be very dynamic, chances are you have one or more of these root causes.

Tip :

Here is my #1 tip if this is you.

Get morning sunlight directly into your eyes. Make sure you are out there for 10-15 mins.

Skip the shade during your coffee run and make sure the sunlight hits your retina.

This is one of the best way for body to sync to our circadian rhtym making it easier to reduce stress hormone which can affect all the hormones listed above.

Feature :

The first thing you can expect inside my 1:1 program is feeling energetic and yes, this WILL happen in the first two weeks of working together.

Want results like these, book an enrollment call to see if my 1:1 program is for you.

Hi, I am Aditi

I am a PCOS Nutritionist.

I help you heal your PCOS and lose that weight

Join my Free Facebook Group for women with PCOS

Work with me 1:1 so that you can lose that weight, feel energetic and glow inside out like the queen you are

400 Chambers Street, New York, New York 10282
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