WTF? PCOS : PCOS & Missing Period

Aditi Guha

Feb 15th

WTF? PCOS : PCOS & Missing Period↓

One what (symptom), one tip and one feature to heal your PCOS and lose that weight this week

What :

Many women with PCOS experience irregular or missing periods (around 50%). Having regular periods help shed the endometrial lining, balance hormones, and impact energy, mood, and long-term well-being and that's why it is important we work towards getting them naturally even if we NEVER intend to have kids

Tip :

Your body prioritizes survival in response to perceived threats. This includes external stressors like moving, exams, career pressure, or even intense exercise. When stressed, your body might "shut down" certain functions, including ovulation and menstruation.

Identifying Your Stressors:

Think about recent changes or ongoing commitments that could be stressing your body. Consider:

  • Have you moved recently?
  • Are you facing major deadlines or exams?
  • Are you experiencing high work pressure or career changes?
  • Are you overtraining or doing intense exercise routines?
  • Are you experiencing emotional stress or anxiety?


Many women with PCOS experience irregular periods due to various factors, including stress. One example is Sarah, who noticed a change in her cycle after starting a demanding new job. By incorporating stress management techniques and making some dietary adjustments, she was able to regulate her periods and improve her overall well-being.

Have more questions? Reply to this email and I'll get back to you



Hi, I am Aditi

I am a PCOS Nutritionist.

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