WTF? PCOS : PCOS & Fertility

Aditi Guha

September 28th

WTF? PCOS : PCOS & Fertility Challenges↓

One what (symptom), one tip and one feature to heal your PCOS and improve fertility this week

What :

50% women with PCOS face challenges when it comes to conceiving.

Fertility challenges are usually characterized by the following symptoms :

  • Irregular period
  • Painful period
  • No ovulation
  • Poor libido
  • Painful sex

The first step to improving your chances of conception is actually getting rid of the above symptoms

Tip :

Focus on a diet that solves for your PCOS root cause and address the above.

The impact of diet outweighs any fertility treatment or supplement or folic acid you can ever take.

  • Studies show nutrition can reduce ovulatory infertility risk by 66%, esp. in women with PCOS.
  • What you eat three to four months before conceiving can impact your pregnancy;
  • It can improve egg quality and increase the chances of embryo formation,
  • It can help improve IVF/natural implantation success by reducing inflammation.
  • Also helping to maintain a healthy uterine lining and reduce the risk of miscarriages.
  • A preconception diet can affect baby's health & development, as organs & the brain start to form in week 5 when most women know they're pregnant.
  • Restoring hormones w/preconception diet can reduce postpartum depression & autoimmune diseases risk in 4th trimester.

Feature :

This client came to me because she hadn't had period in 6 months and was told IVF was her only option. She was put on progesterone and metformin.

Read how she started getting period naturally, never went on metformin and of course had a successful conception followed by the birth of her daughter last month.

Click here to read the whole story.

Hi, I am Aditi

I am a PCOS Nutritionist.

I help you heal your PCOS and lose that weight and get pregnant on your own terms

400 Chambers Street, New York, New York 10282
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