WTF? PCOS : PCOS & High Cholestrol↓

Aditi Guha

April 6th

WTF? PCOS : PCOS & High Cholestrol↓

One what (symptom), one tip and one feature to heal your PCOS and one fact to help you lose that weight this week

What :

Does your blood report always show high cholestrol?

Or is your LDL (bad cholestrol) always higher and the HDL (good one) is trailing behind (this is also known as Dyslipidemia).

Just reducing oil or blindly cutting down fat from your diet won't help with this because this is not a fat consumption problem.

There are three sneaky hormones affecting your cholestrol :

  • inflammation
  • insulin resistance
  • & a sluggish thyroid

Tip :

Include some healthy fats in your diet such as :

  • salmon
  • brazil nuts
  • avocado

Fact :

What this means: The first line of defense for PCOS needs to be diet and lifestyle modification.

And for anything with PCOS, this needs to be done based on your root cause.

There is a deep seated connection with other hormonal imbalances and just eating low fat or cutting out fat is not the answer.

Otherwise you are just eating terrible bland food without actually helping yourself.

If you want to solve for weight, heal your PCOS and reduce your cholestrol for good, reply to this email.

Always cheering you on


Hi, I am Aditi

I am a PCOS Nutritionist.

I help you heal your PCOS and lose that weight

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400 Chambers Street, New York, New York 10282
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