You need to give Sh*t

Aditi Guha

April 6th

WTF? PCOS : PCOS & Poop↓

One what (symptom), one tip and one feature to heal your PCOS and one feature to help you lose that weight this week

What :

I know it is not a very sexy topic but it is probably the most important thing ever especially if you are estrogen dominant - you need to give sh*t about sh*t.

The sweet spot is 1-3 times a day.

When you poop less than once a day on your own , you are at risk of getting estrogen dominant which means more belly fat, more stubborn weight, painful period, PMS etc

And when you poop more than 3 times, you have leaky gut which means your body is not retaining the nutrients you are eating.

Tip :

Either ways fixing the gut is the most important thing to do and without that you will not be losing weight AT ALL.

One thing I suggest to all clients when they are not hitting the 1-3 times a day sweet spot is STOP HAVING RAW FOOD.

Yes those salad you think will help you lose weight is probably doing the opposite

Feature :

When this PCOS client came to work with me , I noticed she was making the same mistake. Her Gut level was at 2 (this is an assessment every weight loss client go through inside my 1:1 ) and we started first working on healing her gut and then this is what happened.

And she has lost 10 pounds in the process 💁‍♀️

That's not a coincidence because as you know weight loss = balanced hormones.

If you are interested in healing your gut and losing that weight, then you need to be inside my 1:1 weight loss program . Have ONE spot available for August.

Hi, I am Aditi

I am a PCOS Nutritionist.

I help you heal your PCOS and lose that weight

Join my Free Facebook Group for women with PCOS

Work with me 1:1 so that you can lose that weight, feel energetic and glow inside out like the queen you are

400 Chambers Street, New York, New York 10282
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